Registration Information

Registration for school programs begins in August and can take place anytime during the school year if openings exist. Contact the staff below to register for their respective programs. If you wish to schedule a Cross-Curricular Full-day Field Trip, contact the appropriate staff for one of the programs you’re interested in, and they can help you set up your field trip day.

General Information

Programs at Our Site

Programs at Forest Preserve sites are offered for a morning, afternoon or all-day slot. Depending on your travel time and the length of the program, programs can begin between 9 and 10 a.m. or 12 and 1 p.m. Please remember to check bus/school schedules before contacting us to avoid holidays and school activities.

In order to offer quality programs, class size is restricted to 24 students for preschool classes and 30 students for grades K-12. Special arrangements may be made for those teachers needing to accommodate a full bus. Please contact us for details.

Children other than students are not permitted. One adult chaperone is required for every 10 students. Chaperones are expected to stay with the group at all times, provide discipline and participate in the activities.

Classes are invited to bring picnic lunches for before or after programs. Please advise the Forest Preserve District educator when you make your registration if this is planned. Lunch facilities are available outside or inside, depending on the weather. Restrooms and drinking fountains are located nearby.

In-Class Programs

If your class cannot come to us for a field trip, consider an in-class program. Our educators can tailor a visit to meet your classroom needed. Presentation length varies from thirty minutes to one hour per classroom. Call to discuss any idea you have for your class. This experience could be scheduled for one class or multiple classes.

Contact Us

Patrick Ahasic
Environmental Education 
(217) 896-2455

Selena Gonzalez
Historical Education
(217) 586-2612

Selena Gonzalez
Plant Science Education
(217) 586-2612

Fee Structure

Teachers and chaperones are free. A $20 minimum fee per preschool programs will be charged for field trips. A $25 minimum fee per K-12 programs will be charged for field trips.

On-Site and In-Class Programs County Fee Per Student
PreK Champaign County $1.00*
K-12 Champaign County $1.50**
PreK Out-of-County $1.50*
K-12 Out-of-County $2.00**

Environmental Education Programs

After you have decided on a program, please pick a location to visit. Three forest preserve sites are available:

All programs will be conducted outdoors. Students must dress appropriately for the weather.

Plant Science Programs

Enjoy learning about plants at the Mabery Gelvin Botanical Garden at Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve in Mahomet. Programs are conducted outdoors. Students must dress appropriately for the weather.

Botanical Garden

Programs at the Museum of the Grand Prairie

Historical programs are offered September through December, and late February through May. Special holiday programs are offered in December. Please remind students and chaperones that gum, drinks and food are not allowed in the museum.

Specific field trip content will be determined by the teacher and educator at time of scheduling. Most visits include presentation, discussion, topic-related student activities, and a tour of several museum galleries. Free exploration of gallery interactives is not included.

Museum of the Grand Prairie Gift Shop

Gift shop proceeds help fund education programs and projects. Please consider including time to shop in your schedule. The museum gift shop is open to grades two and up. The shop stocks a number of educational and program-related items, beginning at $.10. The shop is required to charge Illinois sales tax. Groups of ten must be accompanied by at least one adult. Please let us know when you make your reservation if you would like to visit the museum shop.

Specific field trip content will be determined by teacher and educator at time of scheduling. Most visits include presentation, discussion, topic-related student activities, and a tour of several museum galleries. Free exploration of gallery interactives is not included.